API Evangelism, Technology, and Exploration

Musings of a product manager / developer / api evangelist


Saving and Versioning Swagger definitions

I created a fork of the open source Swagger Editor to try and make it easier to save and version OAS definitions. This project is no longer functional, however this post describes some of the technology that was used and is here for archive purposes.

Remember, APIs are an abstraction

Have you ever noticed how the best APIs on the market seem to provide a simple elegant and clean interface to the data? Developers and API designers take note - this does not happen by accident.

How do users want to see you securing your API?

There are so many ways to secure APIs that it can be easy to choose the wrong one. My takeaway is to understand the perspective of your users to help you choose the right approach. This post explores some of the lessons learned during the design of the Whispir API back in 2013.

Designing the API – Identifying the resource types

When I was asked to design our API my first step was to watch "Teach a Dog to REST" by Brian Mulloy. Then watch it again, and again. I made other members of the team watch it, and took as much as I could from it. This post goes into my interpretations from that video and what I did to design the APIs at Whispir.